kirroyal, natistu, derwenzl, dogrady and lunareffect proudly present...
Monarch's Bully
A game about keeping the peace and diversity in a town in which people get far too upset about certain topics.

The monarch recognises the importance of diversity within the opinions of her or his subjects. He or she fears that, should one opinion become dominant, a riot may occur, which may threaten the whole kingdom. It is also important to keep opinions diverse as to not allow a certain opinion to become too important. The citizens are constantly trying to influence each other during their daily lives, talking to anyone they meet, influencing anyone who can hear them.

But how does one go about keeping diversity. There seems to be no easy way. Apart from... if certain morals... and possibly the wellbeing of few individuals... are sacrificed for the greater good.

The monarch has chosen you to be the keeper of the peace and the balance of the kingdom. You will have to choose individuals to bully in to ceasing to spread their opinion to other people. A punch might help? But be careful, should others witness your bullying, they may take on the opinion of your target to oppose oppression.

WASD - Movement / Left Mouse Click for bulliying

Made for Ludum Dare 43

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